Acupuncture Post-Concussion Syndrome

Traumatic brain injury or post-concussion syndromes often happens in a car accident or sports injury. The injury could affect brain function such as thinking and remembering, cause emotional and mood changes sleep disturbances and fatigue as well as headache, balance problems, dizziness, and fuzzy or blurry vision. Acupuncture is based on the teachings of traditional Chinese medicine, which claims that dysfunction or illness is the result of energy blockage or imbalances in the body. Energy, known as “qi,” flows through a network of 14 meridians; six of the 14 meridian channels pass around the neck, face and head, and then continue to pass through the arm, hand, leg and foot. Where energy flows so does blood and therefore where there is a blockage or disruption of Qi flow there will also be a disruption of blood flow and vise versa. Furthermore, the electrical activity that takes place in every function of the brain is the most closely related to the concept of “Qi” or energy flow.

To treat the Qi imbalances, fine, sterile needles will be inserted at specific acupuncture points along the meridian pathways. A concentration on acupuncture points that we know are specifically related to the flow of blood and energy (Qi) to the head and neck areas will be used. Other points will be needled to improve the overall Qi and blood circulation in the body to stimulate general repair and re-growth systems. Different acupuncture points have different indications, so points for treatment are chosen based on each patient’s specific needs. Effect could show up in just 2-3 sessions, though chronic cases need longer treatment, and 10 treatments and more are common. Acupuncture is generally recognized as safe, according to the National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine. Patients sometimes report soreness or pain during treatment, but most feel deep relaxation with little or no pain.

U.S. Military Now Using Acupuncture for Concussions in Afghanistan
The U.S. military is applying an ancient Chinese healing technique to the top modern battlefield injury for American soldiers, with results that doctors here say are “off the charts.”

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